Meet a Few of Animals

Here are just a few of the animals that live at The White Pig Animal Sanctuary. The White Pig Animal Sanctuary is a 501 c (3) non profit that is home to just under 70 rescued animals, including pigs (large and small), horses, sheep and goats. To learn more about the animal sanctuary, please visit our website.

Teddy (racing name Mr. Runstadler)

Teddy is an ex-racehorse who was rescued out of  Penn National. After suffering a racing  injury  that required time off and rest, Teddy found that his owner’s and trainers no longer wanted him. Like most racehorses, his life hung in the balance, because many racehorses in Teddy’s situation end up on the kill floor. But Teddy was one of the lucky ones. An organization called The RACE Fund negotiated with his owner to sign him over to them. The RACE Fund has no sheltering facilities, so he entered The Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation. While volunteering at The TRF at The James River Correctional facility, I heard about Teddy. Teddy was rescued in 2010. He was under weight, had very bad rain rot and was suffering from a locking patella. After coming to The White Pig, we got Teddy on a healthy diet, gave him supplements,  and he received regular chiropractic  work and acupuncture. Teddy is now a healthy, happy horse with no lameness issues to speak of. Teddy is a puppy dog in a horse body and loves spending time with guests.



Sam (aka Telegram Sam)

Sam came to live with us the summer of 2016. He was most likely dumped at the farm. We first received a call that “our” pig was out on the road (a very busy one at times). Over the next 3 months we tried to catch Sam, but he was too smart for that. We worried about him everyday that we couldn’t rescue him. After 2 months of the loose, he reappeared on the property, down by the street missing an ear, no doubt from a dog attack. At the same exact time we were asked to take in Eleven and Dee Dee. Eleven and Dee Dee were soon to be ex breeding sows, that their person no longer wanted to breed as meat pigs anymore. As soon as Eleven arrive, Sam came right up to their paddock and laid next to Eleven. He finally found his way to the sanctuary with the help of Eleven.



Iggy (Pop)

Iggy was found wandering the streets as a stray in a neighboring county. When he was picked up by animal control, they deemed him a dangerous pig and sent him to quarantine (no doubt from their lack of knowledge of basic pig behavior). Iggy was going to be sent to slaughter auction, but animal control agreed to sign him over to us instead. Iggy is one fo the sweetest pigs on the farm and has never shown any signs of aggression.

