Briar Creek Farm
As you enter the gate, ride up the long, winding drive and over the Briar Creek, you enter a world of peace and tranquility.
You are now at Briar Creek Farm, home of The White Pig Bed and Breakfast. Briar Creek Farm consists of 172 beautiful acres, which includes a lovely natural pond, babbling creek, and acres of meadows and forests.
In 2016, Briar Creek Farm was accepted into The Albemarle County Conservation Easement Program which protects the property in perpetuity from future subdividing and building on the land. Also, the streams are protected by 100’ wide riparian buffers which limits the amount damage humans can cause by prohibiting the planting of crops, plowing of the land, the use of pesticides and grazing livestock within the buffer.
The bulk of Briar Creek Farm is mostly wooded and untouched, allowing for the remaining part of the farm to serve as a wildlife sanctuary for the birds and other wildlife (deer, turkey, fox, bobcat, possum, raccoon, beaver, black bear, coyote and hawk) that inhabit the area.
Since the farm seems to be encapsulated in time, things are virtually the same as they were over 100 years ago and will remain that way. Treading lightly on the land, quiet walking trails have been created for our guest’s enjoyment, with more to come, to catch a glimpse of the numerous birds, plants and wildlife that call Briar Creek Farm their home.